reach your writing dreams

your secret dream

Do you have a secret writing dream? Something you've nursed close to your chest but hesitated to share with others because it feels too fragile? Too ambitious? Too out of reach? 

Many talented writers I’ve met remain in the shadows because of uncertainty and self-doubt. But with the right inspiration and support, they can overcome those anxieties and begin creating joyfully again.

At Fresh Ink, I provide you with the guidance and instruction you need to connect with your deepest writing dream and begin making significant progress toward it.

finding your path

Through one-on-one coaching, I help writers clarify their writing goals, set up clear structures and accountability around writing, and access their most inspired writing selves.

Fresh Ink coaching clients have gone on to publish stories, obtain agent representation, attend top-rated MFA programs, win national writing grants, sell books to major publishers, and more.


  • james zhu accepted to iowa writer's workshop

  • emily bloom's memoir sold to st. martin's press

  • yasmine mahdavi awarded we need diverse books grant

  • sarah orman's essay accepted by narrative magazine

  • “I credit Jaime as being amongst the most influential people in my creative writing journey. She coached me at a time when I suffered unbearable imposter syndrome and helped me develop my voice.”

    mark schoenfeld

  • "I would never have gotten published if it weren't for Jaime's help. With Jaime's practical publishing expertise and encouragement, I was able to finally submit a piece of writing for the first time this past February—and two weeks later, I got my acceptance.”

    erin birdsall

  • “Jaime’s guidance and teaching immediately put me at ease and allowed me to take risks to write about things I had always wanted to but had been afraid to try.”

    anna stewart

community connection

Do you find yourself losing momentum and inspiration as you write? If so, you're not alone—working in isolation is a challenge for many writers.

That’s why I decided to create a space for writers to come together and support each other. Creative Community is a free program that keeps you connected to other writers while providing structured writing sessions, craft discussions, and weekly inspiration as you work toward your long-term writing goals.  

creative community

fresh ink in the news

Sightlines Magazine recently profiled Fresh Ink alongside other independent creative writing communities in Austin that offer inclusive spaces for both fledgling and experienced writers.

I’m proud that Fresh Ink is one of the organizations providing spaces for creative writers outside of large educational institutions and increasing access for writers from a variety of backgrounds.