begin to transform packages

what is a begin to transform package?
A Begin to Transform package is a bundle of three transformative coaching sessions designed to reset your relationship to writing and get you working toward your writing dreams with insight, confidence, and clarity.
coaching package structure
The three coaching sessions (one 90-minute session, followed by two 60-minute sessions) are tailored to meet your current writing needs and help you achieve your short-term writing goals, with the intention of bringing your long-term writing dreams within reach.
This package is ideal for writers who have specific short-term writing goals and who are looking for coaching and guidance around how to reach those goals. The package is also a great way to determine whether you may be interested in taking part in The Writer’s Transformation Project at some point in the future.
A Begin to Transform package is structured around your most pressing writing needs and goals, which we will discuss during your initial 90-minute session. In that session, we’ll look at your short- and long-term writing dreams and plan out how the Begin to Transform package can help you achieve your short-term goals and move closer to your writing dreams.
Based on where you are in the writing process, the sessions may include developmental editing, mindset coaching, craft instruction, and/or guidance around pursuing publication.
Before each coaching session, you’ll fill out a reflection form to let me know about your writing goals and challenges, so I can be fully prepared for our meeting. As part of the reflection form, you can attach up to 15 double-spaced pages of writing for me to review before our session.
After each session, you’ll receive a session summary that details what we talked about in our meeting, as well as your next action steps and links to relevant resources.
what will you gain?
At the end of the Begin to Transform package, you will have gained:
insight into the mindsets and best practices that will help you create and maintain an effective writing practice
guidance on your current work-in-progress, including its current strengths, opportunities for improvement, and insight into how to further develop it
clarity on your next steps and confidence in your ability to move forward toward your writing dreams
your investment
The cost of a Begin to Transform package is $599. All sessions in the package must be scheduled within three months of purchase.
what i offer through coaching
When I first started Fresh Ink, I focused primarily on leading writing workshops—because I loved teaching them!
The workshops had such a great energy to them, and in our class discussions, it was wonderful to see writers connecting, deeply engaging in each other's work, and encouraging each other’s progress. In class, I saw that writers were improving their craft and feeling inspired to follow their big writing dreams, like getting published in literary magazines, applying to MFA programs, and writing full-length manuscripts.
After a few years of teaching workshops, though, I began to notice a pattern. I'd run into a former student at a coffee shop or a BookPeople reading, and I'd ask them, "Did you end up submitting your short story?" or "How's your book manuscript going?" Pretty consistently, I would get the same answer: "Oh, I haven't done anything with my writing since our last workshop. I need to sign up for a workshop again!"
And often these writers would sign up for another workshop and begin to make progress again with the support of a class structure. But after the workshop ended, they would soon return to hardly writing at all.
It was then that I started to realize that workshops were missing something that writers––especially writers with big writing goals––really needed.
In addition to feedback on their craft, these writers needed insight into how to create and sustain a consistent writing practice on their own terms.
They needed help working past psychological writing blocks, which were often too specific or felt too vulnerable to discuss in a workshop environment.
And they needed sustained support – the kind of support that could carry them through the drafting of a longer piece and buoy them up during the often-arduous process of trying to get published.
That was when I decided to shift my focus at Fresh Ink from workshops to coaching—and the results over the past few years have been amazing!
Through coaching, I've been able to guide writers past the “stop-and-start” problem that plagued them while taking intermittent workshops and help them:
work past longstanding writing blocks
complete full-length manuscripts
publish stories and essays
get into top-rated MFA programs
query agents
gain agent representation
publish books with small and large presses
What are your big writing goals, and what has been holding you back from reaching them? Let’s chat and find out whether coaching is the right fit for you!
client successes
john gu accepted to ut's new writers project
Emily Bloom's memoir published by st. martin's press
sarah orman's essay published in narrative magazine
sarah bradley accepted to dairy hollow writing residency